UTC Time Offsets
This is the list of utc time zone offsets in ±HH:MM time format and the time difference between universal time. It helps us easily understand how time zone difference works, and possibly get an idea about the current time in a selected time zone. You can use these UTC time zone offsets, along with our UTC time zone converter (link) and other interesting functions of this website.
Time Zone Offset | Time Difference |
UTC+01 | 1 hour ahead |
UTC+02 | 2 hours ahead |
UTC+03 | 3 hours ahead |
UTC+03:30 | 3 hours and 30 minutes ahead |
UTC+04 | 4 hours ahead |
UTC+04:30 | 4 hours and 30 minutes ahead |
UTC+05 | 5 hours ahead |
UTC+05:30 | 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead |
UTC+05:45 | 5 hours and 45 minutes ahead |
UTC+06 | 6 hours ahead |
UTC+06:30 | 6 hours and 30 minutes ahead |
UTC+07 | 7 hours ahead |
UTC+08 | 8 hours ahead |
UTC+08:45 | 8 hours and 45 minutes ahead |
UTC+09 | 9 hours ahead |
UTC+09:30 | 9 hours and 30 minutes ahead |
UTC+10 | 10 hours ahead |
UTC+10:30 | 10 hours and 30 minutes ahead |
UTC+11 | 11 hours ahead |
UTC+11:00 | 11 hours ahead |
UTC+12 | 12 hours ahead |
UTC+12:45 | 12 hours and 45 minutes ahead |
UTC+13 | 13 hours ahead |
UTC+13:45 | 13 hours and 45 minutes ahead |
UTC+14 | 14 hours ahead |
UTC-01 | 1 hour behind |
UTC-02 | 2 hours behind |
UTC-02:30 | 2 hours and 30 minutes behind |
UTC-03 | 3 hours behind |
UTC-03:30 | 3 hours and 30 minutes behind |
UTC-04 | 4 hours behind |
UTC-04:30 | 4 hours and 30 minutes behind |
UTC-05 | 5 hours behind |
UTC-06 | 6 hours behind |
UTC-07 | 7 hours behind |
UTC-08 | 8 hours behind |
UTC-09 | 9 hours behind |
UTC-09:30 | 9 hours and 30 minutes behind |
UTC-10 | 10 hours behind |
UTC-11 | 11 hours behind |
UTC-12 | 12 hours behind |